Line of tents: Triage, Doctors/Nurses, Pediatrics, GYN
We started our morning with a word of prayer with all 200 volunteers gathered together in His name. It was pretty cool. Michael (a Beacon staff member) came over the loud speaker to give us instructions, finishing with letting us know where the exclusives are. As he finished, one of the other Beacon staff members went up and whispered in his ear – we were all curious as to what was going to be said. Many of us must have had a dazed look on our faces as the next thing Michael announced was: “For those of you wondering what the exclusives are, they are the two portable bathrooms over to your left.” A low rumble of giggles rippled through the crowd.
"The Exclusives"
It didn’t take long to become overwhelmed with a long line of patients. The line backed up for blocks outside the Beacon of Hope gates (which was still quite a ways from where we held the clinic). It was clear the local volunteers had the distinct advantage over us using their native tongue (Kiswahili) to “direct traffic,” while we “musungu’s” (white person) relied on smiles and polite gestures. Somehow, we still got our message across.
Line at the second gate.
The line at the first gate was two blocks long.
Patients patiently waiting for treatment.
As many as possible sought solace in the shade from the tree.
One of the "little" patients :)
Paul assessing a patient.
I remember him telling the patient his blood sugar was high.
Triage Tent
Everyone had to start here to get their vitals.
The pharmacy.
The lines (or crowd) got progressively larger as the day wore on.
Triage Tent
Everyone had to start here to get their vitals.
The pharmacy.
The lines (or crowd) got progressively larger as the day wore on.
The day wore on…everything moving along very well…until tea time. In Kenya , everything stops for tea time, even a medical clinic. Well, it didn’t stop completely, but it slowed down significantly as half the volunteers and providers got up and went behind the Beacon building to sit and have tea. Then when they were done, the next wave went. Then immediately following that, it was lunch time and the same routine started all over again. Things didn’t seem to flow quite as well after that.
"Tea Time"
As I headed back to lunch (I skipped tea), it struck me how casually everyone just stopped what they were doing to go get tea or food, as if it were expected. The stark contrast between that and seeing the level of poverty emanating from the patients was a lesson I will take with me forever. It brought tears to my heart, knowing how each and everyone of those patients go through daily struggles just to survive.
At the end of the day, over 2000 patients were seen. Wounds were treated, one patient was transferred to the hospital, children received immunizations, coughs and fevers were treated…but most of all, the patients knew that there were people that cared enough to offer them compassion through their struggle to stay healthy.
Patients relaxing at the end of the day.
Most waiting for their prescriptions.
Children passing the time by
playing games on the squares.
Isn't she adorable?
May God get all the glory for the many riches he provided at this clinic.
On behalf of the entire Kenya team
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